The best success stories in the undustry.

Everything You Need To Scale A B2B SaaS

Seeking Sigma is a lethal combination of software, consulting & prebuilt plug-and-play systems that gives founders, marketing and sales teams everything they need to get traction and scale revenue.

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❤️ by 100s of teams we’ve help scale

❤️ by 100s of teams we’ve help scale

The Problem

Building a revenue engine is one of the largest challenges companies face and it’s a defining factor in their success.

Your options aren’t great.

Without Seeking Sigma

There are hundreds of marketing channels and tactics to try. Deciding where to focus is overwhelming.

It's more expensive and more complicated than ever to acquire customers.

The channels you’re currently using aren’t scaling or producing consistent results.

You aren’t growing fast enough and can’t afford to scale your efforts.

You’re unsure if you have product-market-fit and the feedback you’re getting from customers is confusing.

You want to work hard and build momentum but the next steps aren’t clear.

The Problem You Face

Random growth. Unpredictable, messy and deadly.

What You Need

Process. Scalable. Predictable.

Without Seeking Sigma

There are hundreds of marketing channels and tactics to try. Deciding where to focus is overwhelming.

It's more expensive and more complicated than ever to acquire customers.

The channels you’re currently using aren’t scaling or producing consistent results.

You aren’t growing fast enough and can’t afford to scale your efforts.

You’re unsure if you have product-market-fit and the feedback you’re getting from customers is confusing.

You want to work hard and build momentum but the next steps aren’t clear.

The Problem You Face

What You Need

The Solution

We already built everything you need.

Our custom platform contains everything you need, on demand, for your entire team.

Custom Tailored 1:1 Paths

No two businesses are identical. So why put everyone through the exact same curriculum? We provide 1:1 tailored consulting for your startup’s stage and product.

Plug-And-Play Systems

Best practice training, implementation tutorials, guides, templates, scripts and copy-paste systems which are proven to work and convert. Eliminate testing and failure time.

On Demand Vetted & Cost Effective Talent

Tell us your hiring goals (and get guidance on who to hire). We’ll dig through our teasure trove of South African talent and get you set up with them within 3 days.

Save $20,000 A Year With Our Perks

We consistently select the tools which make up the perfect tech stack and arrange discounts for our customers.

Repurpose Our Open Source Libraries

We've built some pretty cool libraries and components that might save your development team weeks.

Everything You Need In One Place

We’ve built all the tools you’ll need along your journey. Model your growth to inform investors and hold your team accountable. Track key metrics and much more.


See how Seeking Sigma stacks up against the competition.

Your options aren’t great. Over the past two years, we've proven that we're a greater fit for B2B2 startups of nearly every stage, vertical, and audience.

Regardless of your goals or business stage, you go through the same curriculum as everyone else. They're usually long and boring, and fail to show you how to execute in a short amount of time. They give lots of ideas of what you could be doing to grow. We go deep on the “how.” Our playbooks walk you step by step through the process of identifying the highest-ROI opportunities for your specific business and how to execute.


Full-Time Hires

Buying A Course

Figuring It Out

Regardless of your goals or business stage, you go through the same curriculum as everyone else. They're usually long and boring, and fail to show you how to execute in a short amount of time. They give lots of ideas of what you could be doing to grow. We go deep on the “how.” Our playbooks walk you step by step through the process of identifying the highest-ROI opportunities for your specific business and how to execute.


Full-Time Hires

Buying A Course

Figuring It Out

Why Us

What sets Seeking Sigma apart?

Nothing is cookie-cutter.

No two businesses are identical. So why put everyone through the exact same curriculum? From your initial onboarding, everything is tailored to your companies’s stage and product.

We focus on action, not theory.

Our documentation is light on theory and heavy on real life implementation steps. We’ve designed our process to reduce reading time and get you taking action as quickly as possible.

Measured by outcomes and results.

We designed our curriculum and product from the ground up to focus on generating an ROI for customers. We even built tools to measure that ROI within your business so it’s crystal clear.

We practice what we preach.

We build our own SaaS products with our playbooks. We build in public and share our wins and losses transparently. We see what’s working in real time and promise to only give you systems we’ve battled tested ourselves.

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We draw insight from the best.

We interview the best sigma’s we can find in the SaaS space. Every time we get a new insight or find something working that we don’t cover we update our product.

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Who This Is For

Built from the ground up for B2B SaaS.

Wondering who Seeking Sigma is for? We specialise in helping B2B SaaS.On a tight schedule? No problem. Commit 1-2 hours per day and get results.

We made this for you.

You don't want to spend $10k/mo on marketing agencies.

You want to empower your team and keep growth in-house.

You have customers, but you're having a hard time scaling your customer acquisition.

You have a proven product but have struggled to consistently and efficiently grow revenue.

You're leading growth for the first time or have been out of the game for a bit. No marketing, design, or technical skills are required—our step-by-step playbooks will walk you through everything you need.

Who’s not a fit?

You'd rather outsource growth than do it yourself.

You're looking for high-level theory. Our program is highly optimized to produce tactical results.

Late-stage enterprise companies that already have massive scale.

Hundreds of founders and marketers have used Seeking Sigma to get traction and scale revenue. Here’s what they saying:

This change of focus, coupled with the extremely cohesive modules on sales & operations in the program allowed me to break my plateau to scale rapidly from $10k/m to $20k/m in the space of 2 months.”

— George Clements

Founder, The Paid Search Company

This change of focus, coupled with the extremely cohesive modules on sales & operations in the program allowed me to break my plateau to scale rapidly from $10k/m to $20k/m in the space of 2 months.”

— George Clements

Founder, The Paid Search Company

We’re trained by the best.

The Seeking Sigma Guarantee

You have 30 days to assess if this program is for you. If you want a refund before the 30 days are up, you'll get one. No questions asked. 


Got questions? We’ve got answers.

If you have a question that isn’t listed below, send us a message in the chat (bottom right) and we’ll get back to you in no time.

Why am I paying monthly and how quickly do I need to go through the program?

How is this better than other growth courses, training programs, etc?

Do you offer a refund policy if the program ends up not being a good fit?

My startup is pre-launch (or just launched), am I a fit?

How is this worth the price?

I’m in a different time zone than the United States - Can I still take the program?

Is the program designed for B2B or B2C startups?

I’m an experienced growth marketer trying to up my skills, is the program right for me?

Who should take the program?

Should I hire a marketing agency or full-time marketer instead of doing the program?

In addition to the cost of the program, how much should I budget for running ads?

Built for the future. Available Today.

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3-day trial available

Peronalized onboarding

Result based guarantee

The growth patform for SaaS businesses.

© 2024 Seeking Sigma Limited. All rights reserved.

The growth patform for SaaS businesses.

© 2024 Seeking Sigma Limited. All rights reserved.